Every Day With Jesus Devotional, January 1

HAPPY NEW YEAR!  God, I have missed blogging.  I was doing something different, because the LORD has asked me to, but today, this year, God is doing a new thing: 

Isaiah 43:19 

"Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it?  I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert


Wilderness in this case, is emptiness, something is missing no matter what, desolate, living but dead, barren, loneliness, not knowing, struggles, going around in circles, and can't figure it out, can't put a finger on it, etc. Have you seen that movie "I Am Legend" with Will Smith, that is a form of wilderness, a deserted place.

Desert {in this case, it is talking about how dry it can be in the desert, sometimes even in places where there is suppose to be rain but there is none.  This is when nothing is growing, nothing is happening.  Sometimes a place where there is drought, no water, natural disasters, etc.}  WOW!  Fits the bill.  Hallelujah!, praise the Lord!!!

This year, we are going to study Yeshua/Jesus/Isa, our Messaiah, our Savior/Saviour.  This Devotional, by Andrew Wommack, one of my favorite Teachers of the Word of God, teaches about our Lord.  Please keep an open mind, and focus on the Word, not the messenger.  Otherwise, you will miss out on this blessing.  Will you care to go through this journey with me, and be a blessing to share it with your brothers and sisters?  AGAIN, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

WHAT YOU MIGHT NEED: a Bible, a note pad, a pen, and a little bit of your time to fellowship with Elohim {Hebrew plural for God}: God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

January 1

Jesus Was God John 1:1-5,14 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1

Jesus was not just a man sent from God, He was God. This is the most important statement of the New Testament. All other truths hang on this truth. If Jesus was only a man, then regardless of how good He was, His life could only provide a substitute for one other man. However, since He was God, His life was worth more than every human life since creation. Indeed, His life was worth more than the sum total of the universe He created. Any compromise on the truth of Jesus’ divinity will negate His redemptive work in our lives. Jesus was God manifest in the flesh. (1 Tim. 3:16.) Yet, this Almighty God came to dwell in a human body. He humbled Himself and took the form of a servant (Phil. 2:7), and His humanity truly made Him one of us. He suffered the same temptations and pressures that we suffer. (Heb. 4:15.) It was His divinity, however, that gave Him the power to save us completely. (Heb. 7:25.) We must never let His humanity blind us to the truth that Almighty God Himself became our friend. (John 15:13-15.)

We must never let His divinity blind us to the truth that He knows exactly how we feel, and He deeply cares for us. Let the Holy Spirit give you a true revelation of the deity and humanity of our Lord Jesus Christ throughout this new year.

Wommack, Andrew. Every Day With Jesus Devotional

Please share this blog with someone and be a blessing, because all they might need that is missing in their lives, is Yeshua/Jesus/Isa.  If you have any questions, please comment below so that the Trinity: The Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and I will help with your effort to understand and know the Truth {.  Shalom!!! 

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Devotional by Pastor Andrew Wommack

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