Crucifixion Day Prayer

Colossians 3:5

"Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires, and greed, which is idolatry".

Today, is the day you crucify your earthly nature: 

1) Sexual immorality

2) Impurity

3) Lust

4) Evil desires

5) Greed

These are things and behaviors that are not pleasing to God.  They open the door to the enemy, and prevent you from being holy and righteous, like God (see yesterday's comment).  Make your list, and pray.

Crucifixion Day Prayer

Heavenly Father, in the Mighty Name of Jesus, I come boldly to the Throne of Grace, to obtain mercy and grace in time of need.

I repent for all the sins of my earthly nature.  I ask for Your mercy and forgiveness.  I forgive all those that have hurt and wronged me, and I ask for  forgiveness from all those I have hurt and wronged, in Jesus' Name.

Lord Jesus, thank You for dying on the Cross for me to take away all my sins, to make me whole and complete, righteous and holy.

By faith, I pin on the Cross You hung on at Calvary, all of my earthly nature: sexual immoralities, impurities, lust, evil desires, and greed, including every area of my life that is dead when it should be alive because of your finished work on the Cross, on this holy day for Crucifixion.  I give them all to You Lord, and I trust You are taking them away because You promised if I ask I shall receive, I seek I shall find, and I knock it shall be opened unto me.  

And on the 3rd day, when You RISE, I am believing by faith, that my earthly nature, and everything You died for in me, and in my life that is dead  will be resurrected and come alive, covered with Your Blood, the Blood of the Lamb.

By faith, I apply Your Blood on all our door posts and entry ways of our homes,  the door ways  of our bodies, Your temple, the doors of our souls, our families and loved ones, relationships, health, affairs, endeavors,  finances, businesses, ministries, all we are, all we have, (whatever else:  countries, cities, states, counties, communities, and ...), and bring it all under Your dominion and under the Blood Covenant.

We thank You Elohim: (God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit).  We yield to Your Spirit to teach, equip, enable, and empower us to walk in the NEW CREATION, the new Man, in Jesus' Mighty Name.  Amen and amen!!!  pflb (c) 3/7/23


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