
Showing posts from November, 2020


FAVOR is a gift from God.  Here is how to receive it!! !  Did you know t here is no such thing as luck in the Bible?  God favors and blesses when you are    Shabbat Shalom!  Today, I am going to share a blog, written by Ward Simpson.  It is titled " 10 Keys to Obtaining the Favor of God ".  I was going to write about something else totally different from this topic, and then this blog showed up.  I think it is a perfect opportunity because we all need it.   The thing I like about this blog is that it is not only talking about the Favor of God, but it is also talking about the way of the believer.  Remember, the Bible says that Jesus said "I am the way, the truth, and the life..." {John 14:6}?  This blog is tapping into some of the ways a believer should walk.  It is very self explanatory, and it is a great blog.  Before I go any further, I am going to share some other words that have the same meaning as Favor : aid      assistance      backing      benefit      gif


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Image by Clip Art Library                                                                                                               Shabbat Shalom!  Today, I am going to write about "JESUS IS YOUR FORGIVENESS".  First of all, I know we all have an understanding of what "Forgiveness" is.  Forgiveness is a noun.  It means pardon; and end of blame.  WOW!  So that means, when someone does me wrong, and I decide to forgive them, I should NEVER blame them for what they did?  That is challenging as a spirit living in a body, living in this world.  You know what I mean? From this moment, I believe, that this blaming other people for what they have done to you, is the reason why many of us spend so


  Shabbat Shalom!  Today, I am going to share a prayer with you.  There is somebody out there that needs this prayer.  We all do.  I believe prayer changes things.  It is a form of communication with God.  When I say God, I mean Elohim: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.  Yes, we do communicate with God, and prayer is one of the best ways.  This prayer is Biblical.  Those of you that are familiar with the Word, will detect the verses.  And it goes something like this.  This prayer was written by Kimberly Daniels. Pray Heavenly Father, in the Mighty Name of Jesus, I take authority.  And by the Power of the Holy Spirit, I come into agreement with You, Your Word, and Your servant, and her prayer.  In the Name of Jesus, I decree and declare: "Jesus, Your Word declares that angels intervene in the lives of human beings.  I believe that angels are released by positive confessions { what comes out of your mouth } and demons are released by negative confessions.  Father


                                                                                         THE NEW YOU!!!   Shabbat Shalom!!!  Today, I am going to talk about "Jesus Is Your Fulfillment".  What is fulfillment?  Fulfillment is a noun.  It means accomplishment, completion.    Other words for fulfillment are: achievement, attainment, contentment, perfection, realization, crowning , effecting, just the ticket, you got it , et cetera. One of the words up there that means the same as fulfillment is crowning.  Revelation 1:6 says that "And hath made us kings and priests unto God and His Father; to Him be glory and dominion for ever and ever.  Amen!!!     So if you are not feeling that you are a king/queen and priest yet, you are not fulfilled in God's Will. Have you ever wondered why many struggle in this area {fulfillment} of their lives?  Why it is easy for some people to attain and like pulling teeth for other people?  Or how some people have attained and you have not?  I