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Image by depositphotos Shabbat shalom!  Today, I am going to share with you, a "SPIRITUAL WARFARE BASICS" written by Ron Phillips, regarding "A PLACE OF PROTECTION.  He goes on to say as follows: "Like a young eagle in its mother's nest, you are safe in His {God's} presence.  His truth covers and protects you { Ps. 91:4-5 }".  It is written Psalm 91:4-5 4 "He {God} shall cover you with His feathers, And under His wings you shall take refuge; His {God's} truth shall be your shield and buckler". Other words for refuge are:  hideaway, hideout, hiding place, protection, retreat, security , et cetera; and other words for buckler are:  armor {armour}, cover, defense, guard, security, et cetera. 5 "You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, Nor of the arrow that flies by day,"  Ron Phillips goes on to say that "Night terrors are a great problem with many today, children and adults alike.  Fears of the dark remain with some yo